Update on ZeroSwap Bridge

Community Update

Crop Finance
1 min readJun 10, 2021


Hi, our dearest community,

For those of you still waiting for the ZeroSwap bridge to be repaired. We appreciate your continued patience, we’ve just got off a call with them now and they have three developers assigned to getting it resolved.

We believe there was a miscommunication on who was providing them with the list of transactions held up. But now they understand they have all they need, they have assured us they will resolve everything as quickly as possible.

Thank you for your ongoing support, we are grateful to have such a great community. Keep your eyes peeled for information on the release of our liquidity mining programme, and more great news, as we progress our journey together.

Take care all,

CROP Finance

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Crop Finance

Crop Finance is a automated yield farming platform, that uses artificial intelligence to get users the best risk-adjusted returns